What is colour temperature (Kelvin)?

What is colour temperature (Kelvin)?

For lighting source, colour temperature is expressed in Kelvins (K), this has nothing to do with heat but merely with the colour output of the light if it is warm white or cool white. The higher the number of Kelvin, the 'colder' or 'cooler' the light is and it is usually white colour, the lower the number of Kelvin is the 'warmer' and more yellower the light is.

With lighting, the colour temperatures differ according to the type of light bulb it is. From warm white to cool white:

  • Candle light: 1500K 

  • Incandescent bulb:2600K-2700K

  • Halogen bulb: 2700K-3000K

  • Fluorescent light: 4500K-6500K

  • Daylight: 5500K-7000K



LED light and colour temperature

LED lighting has no set or specific colour temperature, just like other bulbs. LED light sources can come in many different colour temperatures, from warm white to cool white. If you are changing your old and traditional incandescent or halogen bulbs to LED but still would like to keep the same colour temperature, choose an LED light with a colour temperature of around 2700K.LED fluorescent lighting is also available in different colour temperatures, however usually fluorescent lights are cool whites with a colour temperature of 4000K. These types of fluorescent lights are often used in commercial buildings or offices.

Colour temperature at lampandlight 

Maintain one colour temperature throughout your home and have it upto 3300K warm light, everything above it is cool white. At lampandlight.co.uk we have a variety of lighting to choose from in many different colour temperatures. We indiciate as follows:

  • Warm White: 2200K-3300K

  • Cool White: 3300K-5500K

It is easy to purchase the type of bulb and its colour when it comes to lampandlight, you are able to filter by colour temperature with a simple click. Under light bulbs, you can select "Light bulb colour temperature", in which you are able to choose which one suits you best from warm white to cool white along with the clear indiciation of Kelvin units are shown. When purchasing a fixture that does not come with a bulb, it will be stated in the product description or specification the ttype of bulb fitting it takes and if a fixture comes complete with a light source the exact colour temperature in Kelvins will be shown.



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