Needing to create ambiance in your home? Create a mood lighting plan!
Lighting needs to be functional and placed in the right places in a room, as well as contributing to your desired atmosphere. In many cases, atmosphere is the most important thing! The right lighting can give you the amount of light you need while still looking cosy. Or perhaps your lighting can create a much needed focal point to that one painting or wall feature giving it the attention it deserves.
Find the right placements
Start by looking carefully at each of the rooms needing lighting. Which ares receive enough daylight? Are there special areas that you wish to highlight such as artwork? Where do you need the most functional lighting, for example lamps above the dining table? And in which place do you wish to add mood lighting?

What is mood lighting?
Mood lightings main purpose is to create a beautiful, calming effect in your chosen room. This type of lighting does not need to illuminate your room too brightly as you are just looking to create an atmosphere. Think of a really eye-catching lamp, a fire place or an attractive strip light. In these cases, you can choose a lamp that is both attractive and functional. Think about hanging a lamp directly above a seating area that is dimmable, this can help switch between brighter light when needed and then switching back to a romantic atmosphere.

Creating your lighting plan
Is there existing lighting already in your chosen room? If not, you can start from scratch and think about where your most functional lighting will be placed. You can read about this on our functional lighting plan page. After the functional lighting is installed, you can now think about your mood lighting and create a plan. Start by drawing your room to scale and indicate where your most important furnitures and features are within the room. From here this will indicate where your atmospheric lighting is best placed and what type of lighting is needed. Finally, check where you electrical sockets and switches are on the lighting plan so you can check things such as whether extra switches are needed.

Need help?
A lighting plan is the basis of creating a well-lit room, however many people forget to do this. If you have any questions while creating your own lighting plan, feel free to contact us!
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